Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I feel a bit 'lopsided' again as in all the awful things that are happening around the world so far this year. It's really scary stuff.. It's been one thing after another & I'm kind of wondering what is going to happen next? What is happening in Japan right now, It makes all this stuff that happens with NBM pale in comparison & I'm wondering if this is a lesson for me to be able to see this? She's still the same person she's always been & probably will be but there are bigger things out there that can hurt me.. like REALLY hurt me..she can hurt me but not like a natural disaster has the potential to. Am I making any sense here? Probably not but that's ok...better out than in I guess....

Me personally, I think it's the big man upstairs telling us stuff. I don't mind if you call me a cuckoo or whatever you want to call me but I don't think it's Mother Earth punishing us at all. Somewhere in the back of the 'good book' it talks about things like this happening & I'm reading it in a lot of places as well as hearing it, more & more everyday & I can't ignore that because I know that God exists....& I must say it's scaring the pants off me...& makes me think that NBM can't hurt me, not really..I can hurt me by listening to her words & I still am doing this. She's not as big as a flood or a cyclone or an earthquake or a tsunami although when she's on her path of destruction it certainly feels overwhelming & all compassing. So how come she keeps on bothering me? How is this? I have no idea..what I do know is that I am way too sensitive & just want life to be normal, carefree & you know, kinda happy? I want to not worry...

I do somehow amongst all this stay strong for my kids. I'm one half of their 'pillar' & it's not only my job but also my responsibility to be strong for them. They make my job easy to do because all I have to do is look at them. I have no idea how I do this but I'm pretty thankful ♥

Ahh that feels so much better~♥

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