Monday, February 28, 2011

Uncle's funeral is on Wednesday morning. We have to leave pretty early because of peak hour & the kids all understand what will happen on the day & that he's someone they didn't know & only met maybe twice in their lifetime but it's good for them to go.

I wish our kids had got to know him to know the 'Uncle FOO' that I grew up with.

It sucks when family is so scattered & you grow up & move on. It'd be nice if you could bottle those good times & share them with the younger generation & give them a peek to something awesome. They've got their own awesome but it'd be nice to share these too ♥♥


insi said...

So sorry to hear about your uncle.



Thanks upsi♥ it's a blessing he didn't suffer any longer, it was very quick. literally 8 or so weeks from when he found out to now & he went downhill really quickly & there wasn't anything they could do for him other than making it comfortable for him. Lovely man, so sad for his immediate family xx