Upon having a good look through (your blog upsi)..I just told my DH how I've got another friend who's mum is also the same. As well as lurker "fragg" ~♥ (wherever you are too)..there's 3 of us who grew up with the same type of Mother.
I explained to him in as less words as possible (in 'man' language) of how it's not just a simple thing to walk away from our Mums. In one sense we're running~ the horse has bolted but in another sense it's the 'little ♥' that lives inside the grown up '♥' who still wants & is looking for her mummy but she knows she's never going to find her & it's a really sad place to be & is at times extremely upsetting.
I said to him this is why I at times do get upset with him, when I feel he doesn't understand or begin to try to & this confuses me because usually he goes above & beyond .. But how he can so easily just buff things off & expects me to also.. I understand from his point of view because he does see things firsthand & is just looking out for my best interests but what he doesn't get & doesn't even think to get, is that this is something that takes time to deal with & then I put our 5 year old daughter as an example & he saw it in a different light.
"Imagine if I was my mum & was her Mum, she'd be in a sense lost & looking for her Mum & it wouldn't be that simple or easy for her. She'd be let down, confused, hurt..there's a whole lot of emotions going on in there & they come at different times of her life whether she asks for them or not"..he thought about this and I think he actually got it this time.
Don't get me wrong, he's for the most, Mr awesome but I sometimes do forget he is a man and doesn't feel these things like a woman does. And that's ok. It's just remembering we are wired differently ...we want to share to get things out & they want to fix things. He is learning that he can't fix I don't want him to fix, listening & allowing me to cry is the fix that I need & it's more than enough.
It feels at times that I have 2 roles. The first one is who I am, me, myself....his wife, our kids Mum & you know, our life is pretty good. I'm content with what I have, I love where I am at, I am exactly where I imagined myself to be & I'd not change a thing~ & then there is the little 'me'.. that little girl who's been locked inside & sometimes she is peeking out and trying to understand what life was before she got to grow up & live her own happily ever after.
She's the one who gets upset infact she's the one who stirs up the intense emotions & they spill out randomly.. & then it's me the grown up who is trying her best to help her. I see it as my responsibility to her to allow 'us' both to heal & to further grow.. I think she knows it but it's sometimes really hard . But whatever I do, I have to do it well because that's kinda how I roll. I have to do this properly & not leave anything undone & you know I also have to be kind, it's going to take some time & that is actually ok. It's a journey & I can't put a time on it, it just is what it is. And if my husband can understand even a little bit of this too it will make it a lot easier for him & for me.
One little step at a time♥
1 comment:
So glad you're taking good care of little ♥ and that she has someone to protect her and listen to her. Also glad to have found you, it does feel good to know others who walk the same path. We will find peace.
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