Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Argument With A Narcissist (It's Pointless)

I found these late last night a few things happened. These things also relate to the post I am yet to make when i get a chance to, hopefully tonight.

1. I can 110% relate...with NBM & FOO..the things that they are saying good grief.... Been there, used those exact words and heard those phrases..I'm 'that man'!!!

2. I almost peed myself laughing.. this was really good 'therapy' for me & they hit the nail on the head but hey if you don't laugh you cry & then you don't stop. I really thank who ever made these.

3. I had a nightmare last night .SUPRISE SUPRISE. I found myself walking around the house at 2am petrified. I've talked to my therapist about this a couple of times back & it's anxiety. I also researched it a bit online.
I've now noticed they only occur at high stress times & also when something is going on with those mentioned involved. It's mostly NBM. In my dreams I scream at her and there's never a reply back, I'm really angry and venting away. These u-tube videos are virtually re-inactments of the relationships that I have with both my NBM & FOO & they hit very closely to home the word content and I am guessing they just simply stirred up some inner emotions.

It's funny~ you start to move on but it's all recorded there in the black box of your mind. Your mind doesn't forget.
And at no time at all last night was I aware that these could even bother me.
I still don't feel bothered by watching them in fact I am very interested in finding some more. I totally enjoyed watching because it makes light of the situation & just confirmed to me again that I really am not the crazy one even though they both project that you are...

Better go make dinner:)♥ bbl with that post..

1 comment:

Ruth said...

You are right. I have heard these exact words used too. Almost spooky to see it in a cartoon.

I agree with the laughing/crying thing. I once told a friend that was shocked when I was laughing about a difficult situation. I told him, "I can laugh or I can cry, laughing is more fun." Thanks for sharing this.