I'd been thinking about this for a while so yesterday morning I decided to ring my Aunty who took care of us for the majority of the time after Mum & Dad separated.
She is actually my mothers Aunty.
Her sister was my Mums birth mother.
And it was their parents who then raised my Mum.
It's still a bit confusing for me to place them and try to picture them because I either never knew some of these people, or I was very young when they died & don't remember a real lot about them as I did spend most of my earlier time with with my Dad's parents (Grandma & Grandpop).
I wanted my Aunty to know that from going on this journey that I am very thankful to her and what she did for us isn't just 'nothing'..as I knew she'd say it was when I talked to her about it yesterday.
No, it is a big thing, she helped to raise us 3 and she not only did a fantastic job but she was there for us and helped to give stability to us when we most needed it.
Each holiday break from school was either spent at my Dad's house, my Grandparents or at our Great Aunty & Uncle's house. I remember wanting to know why we had to go away every break and NM said "I need a break".
But if we were already at school all day everyday, then why did she need a break every school holiday from us, as well? We'd go to Dad's every 2 weeks, she did get time to herself. It made me feel like we were in a sense 'disposable', & I felt less valued the older I became . It felt the older we got, the less special we were. Truth is the older we got, the more clued on I know I became & not because I wanted to but more because I had to.
At my Aunties house we'd have the most fun. She also taught us how to be responsible, we helped when it was chore day (which we hated LOL) but there was so much more. It really was our second home. I'm also thankful our Aunty did not ring DOCS as she had said she was going to because it would have separated the 3 of us. Looking back now it's scary stuff. SO so thankful♥.
It was also the same Aunty who found out about 'that man' & then did what she needed to do.
She was and is an special person for what she did, the things she taught us & the way she made us feel like we were included in everything. We were an 'extension' of their family & going there felt like it was 'home' too. We never felt like outsiders not once. Subsequently my cousin & I are close, well not as much now but as kids we were like sisters. Life just gets busy now but we do keep in touch when we can & we always pick up where we left off the last time.
Really, all of our family extended as well as one of my grandpops sisters who one I am very close to now & have always had a soft spot for whilst growing up. She's the closest thing I have to a Mum & a Grandma. We talk on the phone every week, we're very alike & we always finish our phonecalls with 'I love you'.
I think I'm a bit blessed ♥.
I do feel lucky despite looking back at why things happened, what happened & what could have happened. We were surrounded by lots of love & family xxxx
I do feel weird commenting on your personal stories, but I really admire how you are focusing on the positive lately. Glad to know you had some 'genuine' people around you growing up. You, and they, have done an awesome job in difficult circumstances.
Thanks Paula for your comment no need to feel weird though:) And thanks, I think we did a pretty good job too, there were some really scary times & looking back I wonder how we lived that but all it did in the end was make me a stronger person & learn you either get back up or keep laying down. No thank-you!
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