Is one word how I describe myself.
Everywhere I look I see either heartache of some description, be it on the news, people I know, friends, family, and sometimes even my own...we all have our own 'struggles' but we need to overcome them & not allow them to take over who we are. Who we are inside, who our spirit is.
I choose to be happy, to see the good things in life.
And it's easy.
I guess I have seen the worst & am thankful for those life lessons.
My glass has always been 'half full' .
And even as I go on this journey of self discovery I am sometimes shocked & saddened (all over again) but I am also proud of ME and who I have become.
Yep, I think I have done pretty well despite the side roads that my life has taken me I've always gotten back onto my own track, the one I could see ahead of me but just sometimes it was through the fog.
Life isn't cured it's managed ♥
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