My last session a few days before Christmas we talked about what sort of personality I may be and I brought home with me a copy of the Personal Style Inventory. I took it back this week & found I am a...
ISFJ! Not sure what that abbreviation itself means just yet, but shes given me a copy to read up on & I have to admit I was pretty blown away by what it says, this is for me, spot on. She said that I am a 'Judge' which, yep stands to reason. Sometimes it's a good thing, other times it's not. My next appointment will be following up on this. I'm really looking forward to this & will be another piece of the puzzle.
I am a particularly dependable personality who is sympathetic, tactful, kind & genuinely concerned & supportive to people - particularly people in need. I am often attracted to fields where attention to detail is combined with a care for people.
My most preferred function is introverted sensation, which makes me very good with facts & details & leads to the enjoyment of the present. My second best developed function - the way I deal with the outside world - is extraverted feeling which leads me to being a generally friendly, tactful & agreeable person. In order to have developed my sensate & feeling functions, I have had to neglect my intuition & thinking functions. This leads me to a distrust of those with a highly developed intuitive thinking preference.
I tend to be a steady person, valuing belonging, thriving on socail stability & paying attention to detail. I carry a sense of history & tend to be somewhat old fashioned at times. I am the least pleasure-loving of all types & believe work is good & play must be earned. I use the old established ways of doing things & value doing them well.
I prefer to do things by the book.
In fulfilling my desire to serve, I may become overworked. I tend to repress my own needs in order to look after another. This tendancy can lead to migraine headaches & other stress related illness .
I tend to be devoted & loyal to a boss. I identify with people rather than with institutions. I often feel personally responsible for seeing to it that people in an institution or business carry out established rules & routines. I am overaware of status given by titles, offices & the values of society. I am aware of the value of material resources & do not like to see waste or misuse. To save or put something aside against an unpredictable future is very important to me.
I am devoted to my partner & family & am usually excellent as a homemaker. My home is most often kept well - both inside & out. As a parent, I expect children to conform to the rules of society. I have a feeling of personal responsibility to see to it that these rules are honoured. While I seem to be super dependable, I may also be fascinated by & attracted to the irresponsible, the drunk & the glutton. Many of my types marry people in need, initially this seems acceptable, only I find that I then proceed to conduct a rescue/rejection game without end. In consequence, I suffer greatly & unnecessarily. This & the worry over anticipated problems are dangers I should look out for. I also tend to be impatient with complications & have trouble responding to change.
I am frequently misunderstood & undervalued, as my contributions are often taken for granted. Despite, this however, the dependable, patient & invariable stability I offer, makes me highly valued in the workplace & the home.
I, along with the extravert of my type, are the feeling backbone of our society.
Wow hey?! Very Interesting stuff..
ISFJ - Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging
This is one of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types developed by Carl Jung. Just google "ISFJ" for heaps more about your type, or if you search around for Myers-Briggs you'll find heaps of online tests and questionaires if you want to double check the assessment. I always come up as an INTJ. ;)
*slaps forehead*! Why did I NOT think of google? I was just waiting until my next appointment HA!^_^
Yes, from the Myers-Briggs personality types, pretty interesting stuff.. & I also looked up your type and yes it seems to be you from what I know!:D
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