Adult children of borderline mothers must return to the past for the sake of their future. The last half of their lives can become the best half if they disinter the real self & rediscover their lost exuberance, their own free will & their uninhibited creative self. Many adult children who enter into therapy report disturbing dreams of returning to high school, feeling ashamed to be middle-aged & having to catch up on something they missed learning. In these dreams they report feeling angry, resentful & embarrassed that no one had given them proper instructions or clearly explained the assignment. They unconsciously know that they were not adequately prepared for separation & individuation. Their anxiety focuses on not knowing what to do, feeling lost & left behind.
Therapy is the only course to take, No greater gift exists than a life of unrestrained love & joy. The relationship between therapist & patient provides the diploma needed to graduate to a brighter world...
A good therapist can guide you to a life that is so rich and wonderful. I am thankful to have 2 good counselors in my life. I didn't know much about living and they taught me how.
Thanks for a good post. It is a timely one for me. I had a dream last night that I had a crucial several-part exam for an employment certification or an advanced college degree (it wasn't clear which, but the test and the goal were momentous). I kept jumping all around to different parts of the test. I remember feeling as though I knew the answers but then would forget when I went to write down the answer(s). I was also dawdling and stalling. At least this wasn't high school, that's been a common dream theme for me since real high school actually. I think the dream is a reminder that while I'm feeling much better these days, there is still much more work to do, and also a reminder that while we're still alive no matter how old we are there is usually room for improvement.
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